Though he is a credible and creditable witness, we can not be credulous. 虽然他是一个可靠并且值得称赞的证人,但是我们还是不能轻信。
Plus credible victims and witness. 并且需要有信用的受害人和证人。
Boone was not a credible witness. 布恩不是一个可靠的证人。
The lawyer cross-examined the witness of the opposing side. a credible witness, statement, report 律师盘问了为对方提供证词的证人。可信的证人、陈词、报道
She doesn't even make a credible witness. 她都没有可靠的目击者。
It was not a night in which any credible witness was likely to be straying about a cemetery, so the three men who were there, digging into the grave of Henry Armstrong, felt reasonably secure. 这不是个常人会在此迷路的夏夜,因此这里的三个人安心地掘着亨利.阿姆斯特朗的墓。